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Fight osteoporosis with strength training.

Image by Isaac Quesada
Strong Bodies Stay Young


Strong Bodies Stay Young fights osteoporosis, reverses bone loss and improves balance and stamina. It is a scientifically proven strength training program researched and developed by Dr. Miriam Nelson at Tufts University, School of Nutrition.  "Strength training , we have learned, is a fountain of youth" says Dr. Nelson. 


Students work at a slow pace, maintaining healthy exercise habits and a sense of well being. Eight common standing and seated exercises are mixed in with some Egoscue e-cises to keep moving and enjoying an independent and productive life. After each set, students are encouraged to walk. This helps keep muscles warm and growing. The exercises are done slowly.


We do the same exercises at every meeting, with a new thing or two  tossed in for extra flavor now and then.


Just in case you didn't know, this kind of resistance training has been found to be very good for mental acuity!!


Meets for an hour most Tuesdays at 11 am.  

Click here for more info!

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